Out of Sight Distant Healing for Horses

By Susan Rifkin Ajamian

This article is an introduction to using distant healing for horses. It introduces people who do distant healing and the horses they have helped. All the healers interviewed used animal communication with one or more of the healing methods and agree that these healing techniques should be used as a complement to veterinary care, not as a substitute.

Distant healing refers to prayer and other healing methods used by practitioners who are out of sight of the animal, even by hundreds of miles. These methods include medical intuition, animal communication, Reiki, brain integration, body therapy, Therapeutic Touch and soul retrieval. To some people, the idea that someone who has never seen their horse can help heal him from many miles distant is astounding. But there are many knowledgeable people researching and using distant healing.

In "The Efficacy of 'Distant Healing': A Systematic Review of Randomized Trials" in the Annals of Internal Medicine, June, 2000, the researchers concluded that "approximately 57% of trials [they studied] showed a positive treatment effect." Their initial literature search identified more than 200 studies of distant healing. The study's inclusion criteria narrowed these down to 23 trials involving 2774 human patients from which they drew their conclusion that "the evidence thus far merits further study."

Medical Intuition

As Mona Lisa Shulz, M.D., Ph.D., explains in her book Awakening Intuition, each of us can use our mind-body network for insight and healing. She explains, "Intuition occurs when we directly perceive facts outside the range of the usual five senses and independently of any reasoning process. As one scientist defined it, intuition is 'the process of reaching accurate conclusions based on inadequate information.'" C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D., and Carolyn Myss, Ph.D., teach medical intuition.

In her book Second Sight, psychiatrist Judith Orloff, M.D., discusses how she learned to accept and use her psychic ability to help her patients. She wrote, "I realized that as a responsible physician I could no longer dismiss information simply because it came to me in forms traditional medicine had not yet accepted. What could be more natural than a doctor with psychic insight who could heal not only with medicine but with energy?"

Sandy Davis of Calgary (403-217-0909) is completing her Ph.D. in Energy Medicine. Her specific field of study is "Energetic Diagnosis and Healing of Acute and Chronic Injuries and Illnesses in Horses." She does intuitive "body scans" in person or by phone to identify injury and disease. She goes through the body and describes what ailments and injuries she finds. She often gets confirmation from the people, massage therapists and chiropractors. She studied animal communication, herbs, Chinese medicine, shamanism and other healing therapies and studied medical intuition with Shealy and Myss.

One California gelding owes his remarkable recovery to a combination of veterinary surgery plus distance healing primarily by Davis. The horse was found one morning with a large, deep cut exposing his entire fetlock joint. Extensive blood loss left him cold, clammy, and trembling, with slow capillary refill. After a local veterinary hospital flushed the wound and treated him with antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and analgesics, he was shipped to a university hospital for surgery. Afterwards, he panicked dangerously due to the unfamiliar confinement. Even two days after surgery he was so heavily tranquilized he could not eat or drink. The veterinarian recommended euthanizing the horse. Instead, the owner's friend contacted a prayer chain and several animal communicators, one of whom recommended Davis.

Using telepathic animal communication and an intuitive "body scan," Davis found that the gelding hurt from his withers to his tail and was terrified he would not return home. Davis used distant healing techniques to place a warm "wrap" around his whole body. She also told him she would help him return home, and, if he listened to her, it would happen soon. She felt him calm down and become attentive. Davis used imagery to massage his acupressure points because pain and fear had affected his body's energy flow. And she sent energy to the injured fetlock so his body could heal itself.

By the next evening he was off tranquilizers and was eating and drinking. The friend wrote, "The most astounding news came four days later when the cast was changed for the first time. The veterinarian was calling his colleagues in to take a look. None of them had ever seen a wound heal that fast. The amount of new tissue that had rebuilt was consistent with wounds at least two to three weeks after surgery."

Not only did the gelding heal without any signs of lameness but he was able to tell animal communicators where in the 20 acre field he had been injured. A broken piece of conduit was found in some newly delivered clean fill. So, the company paid the horse's $4,000 veterinary bill.

Judith M. Shoemaker, D.V.M., (610-998-0526) uses her medical knowledge along with her intuition to help her decide how to prioritize which diagnostic tests to use. She says, "This is the ART of medicine." Shoemaker is certified by and an instructor for the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association and the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society. She has also studied Reiki and animal communication. She is licensed and practices in most of the Eastern United States, but clients who cannot ship their horses to her schedule phone consultations. She has correctly diagnosed many animals even though conventional methods could not. Months before surgery confirmed it, she correctly diagnosed this writer's horse as having a stricture closing down his large intestine.

Healing the Body

Sebastian, a 27-year-old gelding in New Hampshire, improved dramatically due to help from Pennsylvania. He retired from eventing due to physical problems. His withers, back, and hips were painful. And he had a very strange way of moving his left hind leg. He would pick it up and hold it to the side like a male dog urinating. The veterinarians who examined him told Jodi Gilligan, his owner, "There's nothing wrong with him, just let him be".

Instead, Gilligan called Animal Communicator and Reiki Master Anita Curtis of Pennsylvania (610-327-3820). In addition to receiving words and images from an animal, Curtis feels an animal's physical sensations in the corresponding parts of her own body. She then describes the kind of pain and its location. Her clients include several veterinarians. In fact, Curtis has been invited to speak to veterinarians about how they can use animal communication.

In their telephone consultation, Curtis identified the locations of the gelding's pain. Gilligan tried massage there but it did not help. Since no chiropractors were available, Curtis suggested she call Chris Treml for help.

Chris Treml of Pennsylvania (717-485-0333) combines several healing techniques. She is certified in Brain Integration and Results Counseling, Touch for Health, and Therapeutic Touch and is a Master in both Usui and Seichem Reiki. She has studied TTEAM with Linda Tellington-Jones, and animal communication with Curtis. She also has a Bachelor of Science degree from Pennsylvania State University in Animal Bioscience with a minor in Molecular Cell Biology. Treml has ridden horses for many years and also worked in a small animal veterinary hospital.

When Treml examined Sebastian telepathically, she found that his left hip was painful and out of alignment all the way to his tail. The joints near his tail and his left hip and leg seemed torqued. On his left side he had weak muscles. She worked on his head, withers, back, ribs, and joints. Then Treml used Therapeutic Touch to balance his energy field, ease tension and release toxins.

After his first appointment with Treml, he stopped the weird motion with his hind leg. His walk and personality relaxed. Additional appointments were for healing work on his withers and hind end. Then to remind his body of the new healthy pattern of being and moving, as opposed to his old "holding patterns" from pain and dysfunction. The gelding's sway back is gone, and Treml now works on him once a month and whenever there is a need for a check-up.

Healing the Mind

Additionally, Treml does distant healing using Brain Integration, also called brain re-patterning. This technique integrates and balances the brain's left and right hemispheres to make sure each is doing the appropriate job. Brain integration is traditionally done in person to human patients, but Treml has developed techniques to enable her to do distant healing for humans and animals. Although this helps with coordination, clients usually call about horses with behavior problems. A recent article in Natural Horse magazine describes how one woman's mare used to fly into a rage for no apparent reason, during which she would attack and bite. The mare now behaves normally. One gelding is no longer hyperactive; another has improved coordination and no longer bites at the person handling him.

Jan Snodgrass, editor/publisher of The Goodpony Journal, says of her ten-year old gelding's response to Treml's brain integration, "he is much more focused than he used to be. He has been in work for a month now and the only bad day he has had was when I was trying a bit that he didn't like. He is not as explosive or as defiant. He seems much happier and has a much better sense of humor. We are working together much more than against each other. He still has his quirks but it is like he has grown up."


A 1996 national survey found that 82% of Americans believed in the healing power of prayer. When she discussed her reason for putting the California gelding onto a prayer chain, his owner's friend said, "It's not only about believing in God, it's about having a few hundred people thinking the same thing at the same time."

This effect of human consciousness has been show in Dr. Robert Jahn's experiments at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) laboratory. In her book Infinite Grace, Diane Goldner explains that Jahn founded PEAR in 1979 to study the effects of the human mind and human desire on the creation of reality. PEAR explores the question "Does consciousness have an impact on inanimate objects and mechanical phenomena?" Their experiments have shown that the random number generators shifted away from randomness when large numbers of people were mentally focused on the same event.

Jean Grim, who works with Anita Curtis, describes how she uses prayer and imagery to help heal horses. "I think of the animal by name and ask God if there is anything He can do through me to heal this individual. Sometimes I say a prayer and ask healing to take place according to God's will. Sometimes it is the individual's time or choice to die, and it is not appropriate for me to help. But when I have permission to help, I get an image that shows me the problem and I learn what to do. One weekend a broodmare had mastitis, but we could not get the veterinarian. Her discharge looked like cottage cheese. Her udder was hot and swollen. I imagined myself tiny and inside the udder chambers. I gently scraped the infection and changed it into a mist which was expelled through her teats. I also used Reiki and a homeopathic. The swelling and heat reduced without antibiotics, and the milk came out normally. When the veterinarian came on Monday, he said she was fine and 'Whatever you did worked.'"

Soul Retrieval

Soul retrieval is an ancient shamanic healing technique. The shaman retrieves parts of the soul which were fragmented by physical, emotional or spiritual traumas such as major injuries, surgery, serious illness, abuse, accidents, or loss of loved ones. In her book Soul Retrieval - Mending the Fragmented Self, Sandra Ingerman writes, "Many current therapies recognize that if trauma is too severe, parts of the vital feeling self will split off to lessen the impact of the trauma. Psychologists believe the split-off parts are lost in the unconscious. The shamans believe the soul parts live in a parallel existence in nonordinary worlds."

Donna Lozito of New York (212-554-4333) has combined her work as an animal communicator with her training in soul retrieval. She has helped horses, dogs, and cats both in person and from a distance. The owner of an elderly dog who was recuperating from serious illness wrote to thank Donna and said his eyes were now "full of life," his expression was of "zest and wholeness" and he was recovering more rapidly after the soul retrieval. After Lozito did a "soul merge" on one mare, the professional horse trainer said, "This is not the same horse." Another dressage mare became more cooperative. The woman who schools her said, "She is no longer hypersensitive and reacting without thinking. She is now calmer and responds with more thought and intelligence to all groundwork and riding aids."


So, how does all this distant healing work? So far scientists do not know. The late Richard Feynman, physicist and Nobel Laureate, believed "The most interesting phenomena are of course in the new places, the places where the rules do not work - not the places where they do work! That is the way in which we discover new rules." The answer may lie in quantum physics. In The Dancing Wu Li Masters, Gary Zukav writes, "The philosophical implication of quantum mechanics is that all of the things in our universe (including us) that appear to exist independently are actually parts of one all-encompassing organic pattern, and that no parts of that pattern are ever really separate from it or from each other."

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Disclaimer: These processes are intended to be used in addition to, and not as a substitution for, veterinary or physician care including any prescribed medications