Methods of Chris Treml

One or several of the techniques described can be used in this healing process for animal and/or person.

Animal Communication uses telepathy to communicate with other animal species.

Aura Balancing balances the body's Auric Energy fields, thus easing tension and releasing toxins.

Body Alignment uses kinesiology to locate muscles that are not properly aligned. Mentally requesting the release of a muscle enables it to relax and resume its correct position. This technique can relieve pain and discomfort and shorten healing time.

Body Integration combines the techniques of Jin Shin Jyutsu, body alignment, acupressure, Reiki, and other energy work that relieve physical discomfort, turn off the body's over-used alarms, and allow the body to function optimally.

Brain Integration is a technique that integrates and balances the left and right hemispheres of the brain. This process includes identifying modalities, releasing blocks, and promoting optimal functioning. Brain Integration increases self-esteem and physical coordination, natural stress coping skills, accesses additional learning skills, and improves intellectual clarity.

Brain Integration Can Help
Dyslexia or learning disabilities
Short attention span
Chronic physical discomfort
Emotional pain
Negative behavior patterns
Lack of coordination
Frequent loss of temper

Equine Touch is a series of specific non-invasive moves over the soft connective tissue layer that affects the innate healing wisdom of the body. It balances the energy of the animal, relaxes tight spasmodic muscles, encourages detoxification, reduces pain, and relaxes the animal.

Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient art of harmonizing the life energy of the body. JSJ brings spiritual, mental, and physical balance by releasing stagnant energy. It promotes optimal health and well-being and facilitates the body's capacity to heal. JSJ is a valuable adjunct to conventional healing methods as it promotes relaxation and reduces the effects of stress.

Kinesiology is a biofeedback system that uses muscle testing to identify stress and ascertain information from the body and mind.

Usui Reiki is an ancient treatment that channels universal life energy to relieve physical, spiritual, and emotional blocks. Reiki's earth energy is usually felt as heat or vibration.

Seichem Reiki increases the Reiki effect by using the energies of water, angelic air, and fire.

Results Counseling is an excellent addition to the brain integration technique. Results counseling uses kinesiology to access information from the mind and body. This technique can relieve stress by replacing negative ideas with positive beliefs.

Horse/Rider Communication improves the communication and movement of the horse and rider together. I learn from the horse what is going on between the horse and rider. The horse tells me if the rider is unbalanced, and I can then body-align both horse and rider for balance and straightness. I can also communicate to the horse how "coming through", being on the bit, and moving freely forward should feel and how suppling and bending through the body should feel.

Energy Clearing of Homes, Offices, and Barns eliminates stagnant energy from the structure. The process opens the flow of energy so money, buyers, etc. can come in.

Konnections, LLC ©
Disclaimer: These processes are intended to be used in addition to, and not as a substitution for, veterinary or physician care including any prescribed medications