What is a Brain Integration Appointment?

Brain Integration appointments are usually done over the phone and take 30 to 50 minutes. They can be used for either people or animals. They can also be used in combination once both the person and the animal are done. If the appointment is for a young child or an animal, I talk with their parent or caretaker to make the connection.

The first few minutes are to get basic information such as name, age, birth date, address, and phone number. I need the birth date (if known or a good estimation) for some of the later work. I then spend several minutes getting your dominant hand, foot, eye, ear, nostril, and brain. I also find the main side of the brain that you use for your logic and your emotions. This is done by kinesiology, muscle testing, or interpreting energy to determine which side is your less stressful side for interpreting incoming information. I can then describe you to you, how incoming information is brought in, how it is processed and how you send it out to the world. I may be able to describe what you find easy, what can annoy you, and what you may have difficulty at.

Ideally, logic is mainly processed on the left and emotions and creativity are processed on the right. Quite often I find logic and/or gestalt on the opposite side of ideal and can describe how that can affect a person or an animal's mental processing. Additional testing also includes checking strengths of some internal beliefs such as I want to succeed versus I want to fail. Are you good with numbers and or letters? Can I distract you easily? Do you have a tendency to hold your breath?

The second phase consists of the actual Brain Integration and retesting to make sure everything is strong. This phase of the appointment is like having someone check the electrical circuitry and re-route it as needed. Or as a client once described helping a friend move into a house and placing the boxes in the appropriate rooms and cleaning up debris without looking in the boxes. After this process, I tell my clients to expect improvements to occur over 2 weeks. This allows time for the new circuitry to be used enough to make it the reliable way of functioning. However, many people observe improvements immediately.

The third phase of the appointment is the Issue Review Process. Many people find this fascinating because of the insights they gain. I use dowsing to ascertain what your body / mind want to talk about. This may bring up patterns of similar events in your life that still may affect your life. You preserve your privacy because I do not read your mind. When you discuss these events, you tell me only what you wish to reveal. As you briefly discuss an issue, I can determine when you have sufficiently processed it. We repeat this process with other issues. Sometimes you discover that something you'd forgotten about actually affected you more than you realized. This review process sometimes also reveals messages about your life's purpose. It can be very enlightening.

The fourth phase is the selection of positive affirmations and their placement. This is done by using visualization and locking this new self-image into your mind by engaging all your senses.

My clients have reported changes in themselves and/or their animals which include:

Improved coordination
Better ability to handle stressful situations
Improved self esteem
Improved organizational abilities
Improved concentration
Less reactiveness

Konnections, LLC ©
Disclaimer: These processes are intended to be used in addition to, and not as a substitution for, veterinary or physician care including any prescribed medications